Welcome to Fischer Family Farm

We're Andy and Sadie Fischer.

Our story started long ago from strong family roots in agriculture. Over time, our family farms were sold and time moved on.

But we never forgot our roots; we had a calling to the land and our hearts desired to farm. We both wanted a connection to our food and the land it was raised on. We decided to take the leap and rent Andy’s family's land to start our own small scale farm.

We have created our own story and paved our own way to offer the highest quality homegrown meats and eggs, raised naturally, humanely, and regeneratively.

As we continue to build Fischer Family Farm from the ground up, we find great joy as stewards of this land and while caring for our animals.

Our story is still unfolding and the future of Fischer Family Farm begins with each new day. We are farming together as a family while passing down beliefs and values to the next generation.

-Andy and Sadie Fischer

Real food. From a real family farm.